There are numerous ways that those of us with addictive behaviors and tendencies continue to self-sabotage, long after a drink or drug is out of the picture. One such way is when we over promise and under deliver. If you do this, make the commitment to yourself to stop IMMEDIATELY, like this minute. Stop pretending that people can’t see through your BS. Doing this is a direct reflection of your self-worth and how you show up to life. If you make commitments and don’t stick to your word, if you say you will be somewhere at a certain time and show up late, you are really saying, “ Well, self, I don’t think we are worthy of follow through, so therefore nothing else in our life is either.” Let’s also take into consideration respect for the other parties involved. Your word is your bond not only to others but also to yourself. I have known many people working on recovery who are chronically late or don’t do what they say they will do. Your inability to set healthy boundaries with yourself and others such as “ I need to go now or I’m going to be late for my plans” is really giving a big fat F-You to the person you are late to.
So how do we fix this you ask? Make the commitment from this point forward to under promise and over deliver, and work on it. When we are not in active addiction it is imperative for the motor between our ears to quiet down and slow down. Once we slow ourselves down, it becomes easier to maintain a schedule and know when to say “yes” and when to say “NO”. If it’s not a “Hell Yes” it should be a “Hell NO”! You can do it! Progress, not perfection! RealYou Revolution, LLC. is New England's premier resource for cutting edge substance use disorder services. Advanced Intervention - Sober Companions - Recovery Coaches - Family Support Services Case Management -DUI/OUI Support - Anger Management Assistance - Food Addiction -Self Esteem Development - Anxiety Management
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Tonight on the news there was a report about 1 in 10 binge drinkers only being "problem drinkers" and not "alcoholic". As I have always said, in the end for me, I was sick of trying to "define" if I was or wasn't an alcoholic. It was about me knowing that I deserved more from the world and the world deserved more from me. Forget stats and definitions, each and every one of us knows deep down if we are being %100 honest with ourselves or not. For me, regardless of everything I lost in early sobriety, I still was able to wake up (for the first time in my life) knowing I was true to myself. It didn't matter what worked or didn't work for anyone else. The lies and justifications I told myself were NOT working towards me living to my highest potential. In my mind, that is addiction, as Tommy Rosen says "Any behavior that you continue to engage in despite the negative consequences that the behavior leaves in its wake". And that's accurate enough for me. People can call it what they want, and they can also choose to exist for their entire life in a fog. But I have decided that's not for me, and I couldn't be more grateful that I took that leap of faith.
If you are looking for help on an intervention, or learning how to overcome addiction, call or email us today! 774-329-4393 [email protected] |
about the master coachDanielle, the Founder & Master Coach of RealYou Revolution, is a woman in long term recovery with a passion for helping others overcome their own personal demons – whatever they may be.