Synthetic Marijuana, also known as "spice," is sold completely legally as a potpourri in convenience stores and smoke shops. Frequently hidden behind the counter, your 18 year-old can buy this, or your younger children can acquire it as they would a pack of cigarettes from an older buyer.
Synthetic drugs are processed in a laboratory to mimic the chemical compounds in others drugs. By the time lawmakers go through the long process of making them illegal, chemists need only change one ingredient, repackage it, and sell the same chemicals in a convenience store near you. The scariest thing about synthetics is, because nothing about them is natural, any brain damage caused through even one use is completely irreversible! I always made myself feel better about trying pot in high school by reading articles in High Times that reassured me that marijuana was all-natural and, in some cases, even good for me. Well, this is not at all the case with Spice. You need to be well aware of the dangers, and make sure your kids understand them, too. Permanent holes in the brain after even one use? Manchester, NH just dealt with 9 overdoses in one night and I can't even imagine the type of damage it's done to those who will be lucky enough to show brain activity again...
about the master coachDanielle, the Founder & Master Coach of RealYou Revolution, is a woman in long term recovery with a passion for helping others overcome their own personal demons – whatever they may be.